This young lady must know that all women support her

Dear Editor,

It was horrifying and heart-wrenching to read about the ordeal of the young lady who was raped and brutalised while at work. It was surprising that relatives would even show their faces at the court much less show support for the men charged. These people should be showing sympathy towards the victim-it is the common humane thing to do.

High on the heels of the ongoing talks to address abuse in this country, these men showed absolutely no regard for law or common humanity.

My prayers are with this young woman. She must know that all of us women support her. One hopes that she will be able to get proper counselling to help her deal with this horrible crime that was committed against her. I reiterate my call for proper mental institutions. We must also introduce again counselling in schools too. In many countries abroad, schools have counsellors and these are the people who help to expose abuses happening to children.

Adults should also know that obsessive sexual behaviour too is not normal and needs to be addressed else we are going to continue to hear about more beastly crimes. When one sees a family member behaving in a way that is not normal, one should not try to hide it, ignore it and hope it will go away-this will come back to haunt you in more ways than one. Get your family member help.

Minister Manikchand, there is a desperate need for Guyanese to know that they can get proper professional help when they need it. Please let us see institutions in place where Guyanese can go and get proper counselling and advice when they are in need.

Yours faithfully,

N Sahadeo