NIS should educate people more about their entitlements

Dear Editor,

I refer to my letter captioned “Will my NIS appeal ever be heard?” (07.11.24) voicing my displeasure and appealing to the NIS for closure to my appeal of three years. I was frustrated with NIS and thought that by voicing that frustration I might let those in authority know what is happening to the ordinary man daily in this country.

I am now able to advise that as of December 7, 2007 I received the benefit that I had appealed to the NIS for the past three years. I would like to encourage persons contributing to the scheme to be patient once you have proof of your contributions.

I now hereby make an appeal for the NIS to better educate Guyanese on their benefits, most Guyanese only pay towards the scheme because it is compulsory, but they have no idea/clue what it can do for them. This is grossly unfair, especially to the uneducated.

Congratulations and a special thank you to the staff of NIS.

Yours faithfully,

K. Singh : NIS # B – 0175745 –
