Consumers warned about energy drinks danger

Consumers are being cautioned about the dangers of using energy drinks, especially in combination with alcohol, since this could cause cardiopulmonary and cardiovascular failure.

The drinks may also cause seizures in those who suffer from certain forms of epilepsy owing to the ‘crash’ following the energy high that occurs after consumption.

The warning was issued by the Government Analyst/Food and Drug Department, which stated that there has been one unconfirmed report of a man dying of heart failure after using the combination. It also said that in Sweden, a woman died apparently from dehydration after consuming the combination of an energy drink and alcohol.

“Energy drinks should not be used while exercising, as a combination of fluid loss from sweating and diuretic quality of the caffeine can leave the user severely dehydrated,” the release warned.

The release also warned that energy drinks are not to be confused with sports drinks as these are designed to help athletes re-hydrate, as well as replenish electrolytes, ]sugar, and other nutrients, which can be depleted after strenuous training or competition. The sports drinks are usually isotonic (containing the same proportions as found in the human body) while energy drinks on the other hand, simply provide lots of sugar and caffeine.

According to the release, energy and soft drinks specifically designed to provide energy, target young people, but they contain mainly high levels of sugar with the central ingredient being caffeine, the same stimulant found in coffee or tea. The release said that other ingredients commonly included are taurine plus various forms of ginseng, maltodextrin, inositol, carnitine, creatine, glucuronolactone and ginkgo biloba.

High levels and combination of all the ingredients affect the central nervous system (CNS) resulting in increased heart function, excitation and endurance. Because the drinks increase heart rate and blood pressure levels, people who have high blood pressure or chronic heart disease should avoid them, since they could affect their blood pressure or change the effectiveness of their medications.

Mixture of the drinks with alcohol also masks how intoxicated someone may be since fatigue is one of the ways the body normally tells someone that they have had enough to drink. The stimulating effect of energy drinks when used with alcohol gives persons the impression that their normal functions are not impaired in anyway. However, as soon as the effect of the energy drink wears off, the depressant effect of the alcohol will kick in and could cause vomiting in one’s sleep or respiratory depression.

Some of the brands of energy drinks available in Guyana are Red Bull, Impulse, Liquid Spanish Fly, Rockstar, Ragaman, D’ X Bull, Rip It, EnerGy and Wired Cocaine. The latter was not approved for sale owing to its name.

The department said it is currently in the process of ensuring that all available brands have the required label declarations such as active ingredients and precautionary statements that mixing them with alcohol is dangerous to health, and that they should not be consumed by pregnant women.