Minister Lall behaved irresponsibly and has not been sanctioned

Dear Editor,

I just read Minister Lall’s letter captioned “Stabroek News has been vilifying me” (07.12.19). It is very disturbing to read what he wrote about distortion of the truth and disinformation. The fact is he behaved irresponsibly and his actions have not been punished by his bosses. There are several more like him in his circle of associates. He should be ashamed of himself, but when the president decided to hire Kerik after knowing his run in with the law the signs were clear.

Government officials are not accountable for their actions and their disregard for the law is well known. As I mentioned before, the legal system is in disarray and the commissars call the shots.

Stabroek News reported what transpired and Lall now says he is being vilified by this newspaper. He needs to be reminded that entities like Stabroek News, GUARD etc were in the forefront to restore democracy while the PPP barked behind fences. Toothless poodles reaped the spoils and we now see their true colours.

Yours faithfully,

Vijay Singh