Freedom to commit illegal acts until they become a series?

Dear Editor,

The General Secretary of the PPP, Mr Donald Ramotar, in a press conference in response to questions about the conduct of the Rt Hon Kellawan Lall, said that “discharging a weapon in public was indiscreet on Lall’s part.” As reported, Mr Donald Ramotar then added that the party had very high standards and had disciplined its members in the past, though not for one incident. “It has to be over a series.”

So allegations of serious assault, and discharging several gunshots in a public place do not warrant action. It has to be a series. So go right ahead Rt Hon Minister, and feel free to continue another time – and another time, and another time until it is seen by ‘The Party’ as a series of criminal acts.

So take heart all you involved in illegal acts; join the Party and run free committing all sorts of illegalities until they are seen as a series.

Yours faithfully,

Douglas Peters