Mash should continue as scheduled

Dear Editor,

I take issue with Ayube Khan of Toronto on his letter captioned “Should Mash proceed?”

I myself live in Toronto and in the midst of all this snow we are having, life moves along with work and social engagements and official functions.

We all know that we cannot clearly see the future but nevertheless we plan, and plan, and hope for the best. That tragedy struck is not an unexpected event, nor is it a national impediment to the conduct of every day and planned activities.

Mash involves a lot of planning and barring any national calamity such as an earthquake (God forbid), massive flooding (again God forbid), life continues and activities planned and programmed continue.

Remember, in the midst of death, there is life. As a new life comes forth, another life leaves.

Life goes on but we cannot let sorrowful events dim our thrust to continue to make the best of what more life there is.

Yours faithfully,

Carl Veecock