If you know anything turn them in now

Dear Editor,

Why should our fellow citizens readjust their psyche to yet another level of brutality? To those who have lost their loved ones, their neighbours, as well as civic-minded citizens, no answer for such carnage/mayhem will ever be good enough. To those who believe that this is not their problem, God forbid if it is “Today for me, tomorrow for you!”

These criminals, who have slaughtered the innocent, have families and friends who know who they are. If you are the mother, father, brother, sister, child, wife, husband, lover, friend, relative or neighbour of any of those who have been perpetrating these monstrous acts upon our people, turn them in now! If you keep the knowledge of their involvement to yourselves through some misplaced sense of loyalty or real fear for your own lives, we your countrymen beg you to be brave and do the right thing.

To those who have been using these tragedies for their own political gain, finger pointing, race-hating and worst of all, attempted justification for these terrorist acts, shame on all of you!

Now clean up the madness you have all helped to create that is a blight on our land, with your nasty politicking!

May God have mercy upon all our souls!

Yours faithfully,

Cheryl Noel