We’re tired of excuses, we can’t bear this stress any longer

Dear Editor,

Well what shall we do now? The criminals are clearly stating that they can attack and kill us wherever and whenever. I am wondering if all the talk can stop and action begin. All the talk about Buxton is for naught. We have a crime problem in Guyana. Clearly the criminals are in control and all we get from the people in charge are excuses after excuses and blame casting. I like most Guyanese am beyond fed up and disillusioned. I don’t care who’s commiting the crimes. I don’t care what race they are, whether they are Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Bahai, Rastafarian, Jewish etc etc. I don’t care if they are tall, short, male or female, Gay or straight. What I care about is the safety of myself, my family, my neighbours, my friends – I care about all the citizens of Guyana. I don’t live in Trinidad or Jamaica so despite what the President said about things being worse there I don’t care.

If the government and the joint services cannot get hold of this situation we will all perish. For the numbers of Guyanese who have foreign passports, we will all pack up and leave as we can. Most Guyanese cannot do that however and it’s for them that I speak. It would seem that the criminals are running things here and we’re all being held to ransom. There is always a way to fix whatever is wrong and if the powers that be are not capable of sorting out this mess, I would suggest they seek the necessary help to do so.

How many more Guyanese have to die? So many have died already and none of the cases has been solved. We have been living under all this stress and strain for years now and all we can get are excuses. No one wants to hear that anymore. We want a response that makes sense and we want to see an end to all the senseless killing.

Yours faithfully,

(name and address supplied)