People need guns to protect themselves

Dear Editor,

I believe the time has come for the government, having failed so miserably to protect the citizenry, to give people the means to protect themselves. The right to bear arms can no longer be seen as a luxury or status symbol, plain and simple it is a necessity.

The bandits appear to have the most sophisticated weaponry available with an equally endless amount of ammunition at their disposal. The ministers keep harping… “unite”… “band together”…band together with what? Sticks and stones? How utterly ridiculous!

Give us the guns and we will protect ourselves. The gunmen continue to ravage us because they know we are defenceless and the police don’t show up until hours later. If we have the means to take care of our own security, you better believe that the bandits will think twice about attacking any village.

Bharrat, level the playing field. Give the people a fighting chance!

Yours faithfully,

S C Persaud