Helicopters need special maintenance

Dear Editor,

It was refreshing news that our neighbours in Caricom are getting together to help a brother in distress. I note that we will be getting a helicopter to help in our fight against crime. Good for us but – God forbid – let the pilots who will be using these sophisticated machines only touch them to wash them down and nothing else. All maintenance must be outsourced to recognised overhaul companies who could fly in here, bring a replacement engine and complete the work the same day, a job which would take the GDF about two weeks.

Do you know that there is a local aircraft engineering school at Ogle run by Air Services under Malcolm Chan-a-Sue to which engineers from around the Caribbean come for training? They are the only competent people who should service this expensive equipment. The army would then have no excuses for not being able to rise to any occasion immediately.

I am certain the poor fishermen on the Corentyne will now be able to breathe a sigh of relief knowing that they have overhead protection. Just fancy our army has a graveyard of wrecks and only one Skyvan serviceable. Attitude has a lot to do with it, especially the feeling that the government has to provide the money so why should we care.

Yours faithfully,

Victor J. Fitt

Supt. of Police (Rtd)