We must fight crime ourselves

Dear Editor,

The recent decision of Caribbean leaders to help Guyana in the fight against crime is all nonsense. It is more important for Guyana to raise new regiments in the major regions, Berbice, East Coast, West Coast, Essequibo and Rupununi, from the population in these regions. Many countries have used this successful strategy including the UK, USA and India.

The training should be provided by outside help in the first instance and subsequently by officers locally. This is the only way that we will be able to stop the few individuals who have used the military as a training ground to unleash massacres on the local population.

Guyanese have to fight their own battles, win or lose, and not to rely on outsiders especially the Caribbean governments. They are suspect. In 1962, all the Caribbean leaders supported Burnham and they were all happy to see Burnham in power in 1964 and even when he rigged all the elections and discarded the UF and its leader, they did nothing.

So now they are going to help? We have to fight this battle on our terms.

Yours faithfully,

D. Singh