In-line cops deplore state of restroom at city station

station.jpgrestroom.jpgPolice officers at a city police station who were ordered to fall in line following the slaughter of 11 persons at Lusignan have raised concerns over the deplorable state of the restroom facilities.

Reports are that many police officers are forced to share the facilities resulting in an unsanitary situation that has persisted since late January. Since they were ordered to fall in line, the police officers have been unable to go home and have been at the station.

Stabroek News unsuccessfully sought a comment from the Police Public Relations Officer yesterday.

Photographs taken inside the station reveal filthy toilets and shower areas, and broken sinks and pipes. Additionally, what appears to be a steel frame is what is reportedly being used by policemen to sleep on.

Over the past month, many policemen at the station have been opting to use the facilities once a day and only when necessary. According to reports, a daily bath is not considered necessary and in a few instances, some persons who wanted to take a bath were unable to owing to the build-up during certain hours of the day.

Though policemen are still in line, they were relieved yesterday from “falling in” every morning and afternoon. This means that those assigned to desk duties will be allowed to go home but many others are still unable to.