Frank Fyffe is an ambassador of Linden

Dear Editor,

I always wonder if Frank Fyffe is the only person in Linden who has eyes and a pen to see and observe what’s happening in our community and let the various authorities come out of the dark and wake up and do their work.

I read the newspapers every day to see what’s happening in Guyana and when I click on the letter to the editor and start to read, I don’t even have to scroll down to see who wrote the letter. I know it has to be Frank Fyffe. I never saw anyone in Linden pat Frank Fyffe on the shoulder and back him up by reinforcing the topic by another letter. Remember; many hands make light work, the more the complaints the better.

Every letter he wrote contains facts and problems that require the various authorities to get out their tool box and pull up their sleeves and go to work promptly.

On the other hand, I wonder if the various authorities that Frank Fyffe points to read the letter section.

I’ve known Frank Fyffe my whole life, a very professional photographer, a try to sing karaoke singer and his friends are mostly high school teachers, he’s an ambassador of Linden and Mr. Fyffe, I take my hat off and bow to you Sir. Keep on penning. See you town day.

Yours faithfully,

Collie (Shrimpy) Allen