Phantom letters in the Chronicle seem to peddle contemptuous views of Africans

Dear Editor,

Again the ghost writers of the PPP, some deliberately using African names, daily use the Chronicle to further increase the racial divide in Guyana to spread hatred of African leaders and organizations that represent African issues.

The latest salvo was in a letter to the editor on March 2 entitled “Kudos to ERC for efforts to foster racial harmony”. Albert Jacobs, a known ghost writer stated “ I am also advised that two of the groups which made presentations to the ERC were the Guyana Rastafarian Council (GRC) and the African Cultural and Development Association (ACDA). I am not aware of any other group making representations.What I would like to be informed about is what percentage of the African Guyanese Community they represent since I, an African Guyanese, am not a member of either of these organisations. Neither do I accept that either of them could speak or represent my views at any forum”.

After setting up his prey, Mr. Jacobs then came with his trump card. Having written his letter in such a manner that the public would believe both ACDA and the Rastafarian Council were present at the ERC hearings, Mr. Jacobs stated the only issues of marginalization African organizations were concerned with , were sex and drugs.

As he skilfully put it “They have among other things, asked that the bigamy law be repealed and that the use of cannabis sativa (marijuana) be de-criminalized”. I am sure Mr. Jacobs is quite aware ACDA never attended the hearings. ACDA never attended the ERC’s meeting and gave no organizational representation to the ERC.

Our position on the ERC is very clear. The ERC is illegally constituted through some unknown power by the President of Guyana. As such ACDA does not recognize the ERC as a constitutional body. It is currently an illegal organization masquerading as a bridge of deception about race and racial issues in Guyana. ACDA did receive calls and were specially invited to go to the hearing. ACDA refused the invitation.

Therefore, Mr Albert Jacobs , I hope you contact the ERC to confirm your deceit. Then hopefully you can show some class or courage and publicly apologise in the Chronicle.

In reality, Mr. Jacobs and others of his ilk continue to pursue a purposeful strategy to demean Africans and everything African. By choosing bigamy and marijuana as the issues most significant to Africans, the message is that Africans are valueless and uncivilised.

As the official newspaper of the Government of Guyana, the PPP/C continues to use the Chronicle and state media as instruments of hate of Africans in Guyana. Why doesn’t President Jagdeo say something about this daily dose of hate?

Why doesn’t Bishop Juan Edghill shut the Chronicle down as it threatens to shut down other media. The editors and intellectual authors of the Chronicle are complicit in this daily hate-mongering as they know the source and intent of these ghost writers

Yours faithfully,
Eric Phillips