Austria mulling lighting up St George’s for Carifesta

Austrian Ambassador Rene Amry told Caricom officials and the culture ministry that his country is interested in contributing to the Schomburgk Collection project and in illuminating one of the country’s landmarks for Carifesta X.
According to a press release from the Government Information Agency Amry and a team comprising Gottfried Traxler and Christina Todeschini from the Austrian Development Agency indicated their interest to Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport Dr Frank Anthony and representatives from the Museum of Ethnology in Guyana.

In an invited comment Amry said an expert is expected to visit Guyana to discuss making the collection accessible both in English and Macushi. The ambassador said he considers the Collection a symbolic, historic link between Guyana and Austria as Schomburgk was one of the European explorers who established relations with the indigenous peoples of the Guianas.

Austria said it will also contribute an illuminated buildings project to the festival. An expert responsible for illuminating prominent buildings in Europe in a “Rainbow over Europe” project is expected to replicate it by illuminating the St George’s Cathedral. “The cathedral is really a wonderful work of art. I was told it’s the only cathedral completely built of wood, so we are considering this building,” Amry said.

He said photographs of the National Cultural Centre and other locations were also taken in order to help the expert to prepare the project. Amry said the illuminated project may include collaboration with local organisations with similar interests.

Additionally, Amry said Austria can also contribute to the festival by decorating the city and hosting an Austrian film show about the life of Gustav Klimt, a world-renowned Austrian painter whose work dates back to the 20th Century.

Meanwhile Traxler said Austria’s contribution to the festival is a positive step in engaging in bilateral relations with Guyana and the Caribbean. He said too the Agency is working towards fostering such relations with the region through Caricom.