The EPA should move against the dumping of wrecks

Dear Editor,

So many of our skilled/professional people are leaving to go to what they  believe to be greener pastures and those more patriotic ones willing to stay should be given the necessary encouragement, though in some cases  that is not why they stay.
For example in Grove on the East Bank of Demerara there is this medical doctor who is also the G.M.O. This good doctor is well liked and respected in the community because he treats people with care and consideration.
Next door to the doctor’s place is an empty lot with several vehicle shells, the person who dumped the shells there deals with second hand vehicle parts so when he takes out what is needed the unwanted frame is dumped next door to the doctor.
Then just feet away from the doctor is a school teacher, next door to her is another empty lot where this junk dealer dumps more vehicle shells. Both these places are unhealthy and unsightly but  the people at the Environmental Protection Agency have done nothing.
Yours faithfully,
WP George