I agree with the suspension of Channel 6

Dear Editor,
Many will suffer in terms of providing for their families, etc for the next four months now that CN Sharma’s TV Channel- Six has been pulled off the air. Well I wholeheartedly agree with the Government on this matter, and Mr Sharma had better be thankful that his channel wasn’t suspended for a longer period. That is the result when those who have been entrusted with the disseminating of the day’s news, current affairs, etc cross the parameters of good journalism and enter into an arena that promotes hate and discord.

 Surely, the next four months will allow Mr Sharma to think about what he allowed to happen on that call- in programme that brought on this whole mess.

 Surely, this must be an example to others who may want to emulate this kind of political grandstanding. They must realize that in Guyana there is the law of the press and boundaries that should not be entered and crossed. If they do, then there would be consequences.
  Yours faithfully,
  Leon J. Suseran