The slogan on the minibus is the name of a song

Dear Editor,

I refer to the letter by A. Van Rossum captioned “This slogan is an insult to women” (08.04.15). I would like to make a few comments:

After reading this letter, I gather that the writer seems to know the owners of this minibus quite well and is not merely making an observation. This is obvious when he/she stated “owners” and not “owner”, claiming knowledge that this minibus is jointly owned. Maybe there is something personal going on here? Is it because this minibus is very popular in the route it traverses that has made the writer upset?
The slogan on the bus “Move Bitch” is a song; first of all Mr/Ms Van Rossum should seek to have the song banned.

In that case, I can think of many more songs that can be added to the list.

There are many minibuses on the road with slogans that are much more offensive. It is not fair for the writer to discriminate; he/she should have taken pictures of other minibuses also.

Yours faithfully,
J. Wishart