Those who claim marginalisation don’t build a case

Dear Editor,

A number of letters have been written recently on marginalization. Please permit me to offer some comments on this subject. 

The authors continue to write in general terms about marginalization but stop short of being specific. Why? Is there a sinister motive? One cannot help but conclude that these individuals are trying to provide justification to create internal strife in Guyana.   
What bothers me  most is that some of these individuals are properly schooled and should be channelling their thoughts and writings on how we can begin to address the many issues facing a struggling Guyana. The Guyanese people will thank them immensely. It is evident that they have nothing useful to offer but to make unjustifiable complaints. 

The writers know who they are so I will not refer to specific names. Come on, guys, help make Guyana successful instead of pulling at the  opposing end of the rope!

I highly encourage the writers who spend valuable time to respond to these unfounded marginalization accusations to stop responding to meaningless and baseless claims and divert their attention to the spiralling cost of living and other issues facing our dear land of Guyana.

 On an unrelated issue, Stabroek News has demonstrated their gutless attitude in the past by not publishing many of my (and my colleagues) letters which addressed relevant pro-government and anti-government issues.  Sometimes one gets the feeling that the “old and selected boys network” is in operation at Stabroek News by de Caires and his “team”. Fortunately, there are other professional media in Guyana that recognize the relevance of our letters and seek to publish them. Let’s see if anything has changed or we continue to be black-listed.

Yours faithfully, 
Anand Persaud 

Editor’s note
Mr Persaud is not blacklisted and we believe we have published several of his letters. We have explained many times that not all letters can be published for a variety of reasons, primarily lack of space. What we do find disappointing  is the tone of scurillity readily adopted by those whose letters are not published for one reason or another.