Agriculture school gets donation of books to boost its programme

Partners of the Americas (PoA) Guyana chapter recently donated a quantity of books to the Guyana School of Agriculture (GSA) courtesy of the Christian Veterinary Mission of Washington, USA.

President of the Partners of Americas Guyana chapter Colin Beaton handing over the books to Dr Dexter Allen in the presence of Guyana School of Agriculture students.According to a press release the donation was made possible through Dr Sandol Johnson of the Cleveland Community College in Shelby, North Carolina, after she visited this country last May/June as a volunteer on the PoA Farmer to Farmer programme.

Johnson was part of a team that looked at slaughter practices and meat hygiene, the release said. The team visited the GSA, met the administration and conducted practical instruction sessions at the Rising Sun Abattoir in West Coast Berbice with students attending the Animal Health and Veterinary Public Health Programme. The release said it was during one of these sessions with programme lecturer Dr Dexter Allen that led to Johnson committing to donating the much needed resources.
President of the Guyana chapter Colin Beaton handed over the books to the college. He charged the students to make full use of them and to exercise good care of them. Meanwhile, Allen, who received the books, thanked the PoA for making the books available and Dr Johnson for realizing the need for resources at GSA.

The release also said the Farmer to Farmer programme is supported by the US Congress and the US Agency for International Development as part of its foreign assistance programme. Partners of Americas is a non-profit programme that links US states with Latin American and Caribbean countries in a partnership that uses their available resources to address their shared concerns in a bid for economical and cultural development.

The local chapter in Guyana is linked with Mississippi and works on several areas including health, emergency preparedness and agriculture among others.