AFC calls on workers to guard social, economic gains

The Alliance For Change (AFC) is urging Guyanese workers to ensure that the social and economic gains fought for in the past are not eroded by the increasingly unequal distribution of the nation’s wealth and resources.

The party reminded the local workforce that they should not only celebrate these gains that were fought for by previous generations but carefully guard them.
An AFC May Day release said that the party was  proud to join with the workforce in commemorating the achievements of labour movements around the world.

“Here at home, the AFC wishes to remind workers that the social and economic gains that were fought for by generations of Guyanese workers should not only be celebrated, but carefully guarded, to ensure that they are not eroded by the increasingly inequitable distribution of the nation’s wealth and resources,” the release said.

It added that the party remained committed to the principle that all Guyanese workers deserve to be adequately remunerated  so that they can enjoy living conditions commensurate with the real wealth of the  nation.

The party said that it hoped that workers gathering to observe this Labour Day will see it as an occasion to unite around issues of importance to all Guyanese.