The PNCR demonstrates a disregard for law and order

Dear Editor,
Once again the PNCR has taken to the streets in defiance of the police. The illegal protest in Georgetown on 16.5.08, demonstrates the complete disregard the party holds for law and order in Guyana. This coupled with a march a few days ago in which the party followed an unauthorized route in the city, and which ended with an effigy of President Jagdeo being burnt in front of Parliament, is an indication that the PNCR is bent on causing mayhem and disorder in the country, and instilling fear in the population. The PNCR was also instrumental in staging protests after the suspension of CN Sharma’s television licence after a woman’s threat to President Jagdeo on a call-in programme had been rebroadcast. These actions are reminiscent of another unauthorized protest the PNCR leader Robert Corbin led a few years ago, from the East Coast to Georgetown, again in defiance of the police. That the party has no respect for the police force, and is bent on chaos and stalling progress and peaceful relations in Guyana, is clear.

But what is more disturbing is the deafening silence on the part of the Guyana Human Rights Asssociation, ACDA, and others, who were so vocal when CN Sharma’s licence was suspended. Why are they not outraged at the PNCR’s illegal actions? Where is their condemnation? Where is their call for the law to be upheld?
Yours faithfully
Mohan Singh