Mugabe’s march of folly

Dear Editor,
Let us not get it twisted; Robert Mugabe is no thuggish dictator or political slouch. This is a man who was trained by the Jesuits and possesses seven academic degrees. When he came to power in 1980, he raised the hopes of Africans everywhere and seriously discredited the negative stereotypes of Africans. Robert Mugabe is a disciplined individual who wakes up early and does not consume any alcohol, he prefers tea.

This ex-school teacher once held classes for cabinet members who did not seem up to the task.
This African leader stayed married to his wife, Sally, until 1992 when she passed on. When he brought freedom to Rhodesia and removed the racist Ian Smith from power, it was a wonderful day for Africa.

According to Heidi Holland, the author of Dinner With Mugabe, he has a penchant for British manners and consistently promotes education. I believe this once great leader who was heading for a place in the pantheon of African statesmen (Nkrumah, Mandela and Tutu), has lost his way. Even the most passionate supporter of the 83-year-old president must concede that he must call it a day. Recent developments and credible reports about Mugabe’s rule make me sad. His leadership has reached a juncture that most fits the words of Barbara Tuchman: simply a march of folly.
Yours faithfully,
Ronald Austin Jr