Sweet potatoes are nutritious and an easy crop to grow

Dear Editor,

On Friday, May 23, 2008, my wife asked me to go into our kitchen garden and dig out two sweet potatoes to boil for the children. I went into the garden and dug for just five minutes with my cutlass (somebody stole my fork last year November) and reaped about fifteen pounds of sweet potatoes within that short space of time.

Mr Editor, I ate sweet potatoes for breakfast, lunch and dinner all weekend! I even gave away about six pounds to fellow teachers at school.
Sweet potatoes are an extremely easy crop to grow. They do not require tons of fertilizer like rice (the crop re-fertilizes the earth) and they are more nutritious than rice or wheaten flour.

We the residents in Golden Grove/ Nabaclis, Buxton and other East Coast villages should start cultivating this nutritious crop on a massive scale as a substitute for the more expensive rice and wheaten flour.

Let us all return once again to mother earth before it is too late.

Yours faithfully,
Brother Mark Nigel