Man admits play station larceny, pleads for jail

Orin Benjamin
Orin Benjamin

A 41-year-old who admitted stealing a play station game from his niece, yesterday pleaded with Magistrate Melissa Robertson-Ogle to send him to jail since he fears for his life.

Orin Benjamin of 66 Leopold and Cross streets pleaded guilty to the simple larceny charge when it was read to him in the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court and he was subsequently slapped with a two-year sentence.

Orin BenjaminBenjamin had first pleaded guilty but the plea was changed after he gave an explanation. However he later said that he feared for his life and so he wanted to go to prison.

He admitted stealing the game which is valued at $80,000 on June 10.

Prosecutor Denise Griffith told the court that this is not the first or the second time that he is coming before the court for simple larceny.

Therefore she asked the court to deal with him accordingly.

After asking how much prison time he wanted, the magistrate sentenced Benjamin to two years in prison.