What is Dr Jagan’s legacy?

Dear Editor,

Can someone please tell me, what exactly is former President Cheddi Jagan’s legacy? OK, I agree that he was a simple man – at least he came over that way in the numerous interviews I have conducted with him.

However, those individuals who are attempting to create the impression that “Jagan’s legacy” is far more important than that of President Burnham, Dr Walter Rodney, Mrs Winifred Gaskin, Sir Shridat Ramphal, Dr Rudy Insanally, Mrs Viola Burnham, Mr Hubert Nathaniel Critchlow, Governor Cuffy and numerous others, are only attempting to manipulate the minds of the young.

Dr Jagan has made a positive contribution to his dear land, but in my opinion he was no legend. Legends are never afraid to surrender leadership, as the great President Nelson Mandela did in South Africa.

Yours faithfully,
Mark Benschop