Prashad wants lower minibus fares

Minister of Commerce Manniram Prashad is meeting representatives from the different minibus associations, to negotiate a further reduction in bus fares following the recent drop in fuel prices.

Last month, after the initial drops in fuel prices, the minister met representatives from the associations, and it was agreed that the majority of the bus fares would return to what they were before they were increased in July.

Since this meeting, the price for fuel has dropped even further, and Prashad has called for minibus operators to further reduce their prices.

He said he will formally make this proposal to the representatives when he meets them. He said that at this meeting he will also address the issue of the cost of spare parts.

When Stabroek News contacted representatives from the associations, some of them said they would only agree to drop their fares if certain conditions are met, and these include a reduction in the cost of spare parts.