Mr Kissoon’s propensity for compulsive letter writing is distasteful and intolerant of other views

Dear Editor,

This letter seeks more to clarify for the benefit of readers, rather than to respond to Mr F. Kissoon who introduced a piece of misinformation in a recent letter captioned “The rule of the PPP has degenerated in forms that are worse than under Burnham” (08.03.23)
Mr Hoyte was the first to introduce this piece of misinformation about me not knowing the difference between the Dominican Republic and the Common-wealth of Dominica. He did so some years ago in a letter to the press. Mr Hoyte’s letter, like Mr Kissoon’s, was an attempt to discredit. No evidence was provided at the time since there was none.
Hoyte’s story was that instead of boarding a plane for Dominica I boarded one for the Dominican Republic. At the time of his writing (and my response) Mr Hoyte had probably never seen the movie Home Alone with Macaulay Culkin. Had he seen that movie he probably would have recognized how to find yourself in the wrong plane.
As for Mr Kissoon I am so sorry for him. He picks up a piece of misinformation from a dead man and adds a new twist to it. Readers should know that it is well nigh impossible for a Foreign Minister to address the UN with a speech that is not vetted by his county’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations and the representational staff at the mission accredited to the United Nations.
Kissoon should pick up the phone and call Guyana’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations to find out if that ever happened. But he wouldn’t for obvious reasons.
Mr Kissoon should acquaint himself with basic protocolic practices before writing such absurdities in the press hoping that it will pass as credible information.
Finally, Mr Kissoon’s propensity for compulsive letter writing must be exposed for what it is; mean, distasteful and intolerant of other views.
Without allowing Tacuma Ogunseye the time to carefully consider the contents of my response, Kissoon jumps in, and in his usual fiendish style responds to my letter. To prove what and to whom?

Yours faithfully,
Clement J. Rohee