Paul Harris’s comments on his cartoons were clear and informative

Dear Editor,
 Please forgive the late commentary, but it is only now that I have been able to re-read the article in the  latest issue of the Guyana Review on the cartoons of Paul Harris.

I am a collector of cartoons, and I do have quite a collection of those which have appeared in your newspaper over the last few years.  I also collect cartoons from the Jamaica Gleaner and the Barbados Nation  even though I’m not all that familiar with their social and political affairs.

Paul’s comments on his medium were clear, informative and captivating, especially when his cartoons deal with complex messages. To quote him “ Often the most profound point can be made with little more than the stroke of a brush”. How true.
I admit to failing in not knowing that Paul was the creator of Justin Kunsorn,  but not being both in the past and the present, a regular reader of that ‘other medium’, I hardly saw much of those cartoons. much less collected them.

Now some questions for you and for Paul Harris:
Has Paul Harris published a book or books of his cartoons and if so, are they available in Guyana.?

Paul uses a lot of ‘ink’ in his drawings.  My question is: is there a reason for this?

Is such  practice in his view a strength or weakness?

(Try printing the cartoons, then you would see what I mean by ‘a lot of ink’.)
 Yours faithfully,
Carl Veecock

Editor’s note
A book of the Justin Kunsorn cartoons was published in 1996 but is out of print and unavailable.

We are sending a copy of this letter to Mr Harris for any comments he may wish to make.