Bhakti Sargam set for next Sunday

Guyanese in New York can expect a treat on Sunday May 24, when Bhakti Sargam, an evening of inspiring devotionals is held at the John Adams High School in Queens.

According to a press release, the event will offer the melody of Shri Prakash Gossai, spiritual and academic leader and founder of the Bhuvaneshwar Mandirs; the harmony of Dr Satish Prakash, Vyakaranacharya,  founder and executive director of Maharishi Dayananda Gurukula, NA, Inc and the energy of Pandit Rajin Balgobind, spiritual leader of the Sri Krishna Mandir in Guyana.

There will also be guest appearances by TV/Radio host Geeta Bisram of the Angels Caribbean Band, Manoj Jadubans of the Bhuvaneshwar Mandir and Benny Parag.

Devotional dances will be performed by Natraj Center for the Performing Arts,

Natalie Poonam Phagu, Shahara Dance Group, Ashley Nanda Rai and Ann and others.

The concert, which begins at 3.30 pm, is billed as a family entertainment event.

According to the release, “In this busy age of fear and anxiety, the remembrance of God and the repetition of His name is the one means of liberation that is accessible to all.“

The producers said their main “incentive for doing these events is to bring together the great leaders of our religion to spread the teachings and philosophy of Sanatan Dharma in our West Indian community”.

Kishore Seunarine is the host.