People must be able to protest without fear of victimisation

Dear Editor,
A few days ago I was part of a group of Lethem residents who staged a picket protesting the abominable electricity supply. The very next morning, at least four of the persons who picketed had their power disconnected for failure to pay their bills on time. While the Lethem Power Company (LPC) is technically correct in doing so, it was a brutal and unconscionable act, especially since those very persons were also protesting their inability to be reimbursed for the damage done to their electrical equipment.

It seems more than coincidental that this action came within twenty-four hours of the police recording the names of the protesters. The LPC and the government seem to be playing a dangerous game of intimidation. In a true democracy, people must be able to protest without fear of political reprisal or victimisation.

I call on the government to do whatever is necessary so as to ensure better relations between the company and consumers in the future.
Yours faithfully,
Clairmont Lye