Well at Covent Garden not working

Dear Editor,

I write this letter to you on behalf of my friends living in the Covent Garden, Prospect and Little Diamond areas.

The well which is located in the Covent Garden area has been down since Saturday, June 27. Serious attempts have been made to find out what the problem is, as well as when the water would be up and running, but to no avail.

The well at Covent Garden seems to be problematic. If my memory serves me correctly, for this year there have been about 4 or 5 such outages. These frequent water outages are having an adverse effect on the communities that depend upon this source of life.

People are at their wits end and some are praying for rain, as that seems to be the only source that will provide some relief.

This situation creates an unhealthy environment for the children who go to school in the area.

I guess there is nothing  more I can do for them other than write this letter. There really is no one to complain to.

Yours faithfully,
K. Persaud

Editor’s note

We are sending a copy of this letter to Mr Rawle Aaron, the PRO of Guyana Water Inc for any comments he might wish to make.