OAS meeting on Bisram’s polling did take place

Dear Editor,

I refer to a letter by Mr Annan  Boodram (‘OAS says no discussion occurred on Mr Bisram’ SN, August 31). Mr Boodram wrote last week that because Freddie says Bisram does not do polls, it means Bisram does not do polls. So because Boodram says no OAS discussion on Bisram took place, it means it didn’t take place. Secondly, why should we believe anything Bisram and Boodram write? Let me say unambiguously, I do not believe that the OAS Assistant-General Secretary ever spoke to someone by the name of Annan Boodram.

Thirdly, how nice to know that Bisram and Boodram are capable of making inquiries. Bisram wants MP, Sheila Holder to account for what I wrote about the OAS meeting that rejected him as a genuine pollster and Mr Boodram went so far as he claimed, to contact the OAS for information. So why don’t Bisram and Boodram answer the queries of Guyanese-Canadian scientist, Dr Anand Daljeet. Just as Bisram and Boodram can make enquiries of other people, why don’t they answer enquiries made of them? I can imagine the contempt people of responsibility in this country have for the so-called polls of Mr Bisram. I could imagine the feeling of parliamentarian, Sheila Holder in having to dignify Bisram with a reply

My fifth approach is that I will make available the documentation on Bisram that took place at the Peer Review meeting of the OAS. I will submit the proceedings of the meeting in which Bisram came in for severe criticism as a fake pollster at one of the plenary sessions of the OAS meeting to the editors of the Kaieteur News and the Stabroek News and the President of the Guyana Press Association. In return, Mr Bisram must submit the name, address, (both postal and e-mail) and telephone numbers of the school he teaches at in New York and which forms he tutors and the subjects he lectures on.

Could he kindly state who the head of the school is? Secondly, he must name the executives (can’t be more than six or eight) of Nacta, and supply addresses and telephone numbers of same.

Let me remind readers that I have asked the Guyana Press Association to press Mr Bisram on the transparency of his organization, polls and status. That is coming and when it happens one wonders what Bisram and Boodram will do

Yours faithfully,
Frederick Kissoon