Is Obama’s Nobel for continuing Bush’s policies?

Dear Editor,
So Barack Obama has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
What I am wondering is why Obama? Is it because he was able to get Netanyahu and Abbas to shake hands without a smile or could it be those who awarded the peace prize are happy with Obama continuing where George Bush left off, you know, like agreeing with Israel terror against Palestine the bullying of Iran and the slaughter of innocent Afghans. As we all are now aware Mohandas Gandhi was never awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. That was probably because he was too non-violent.
Allow me in this said letter to congratulate Chris Ram on becoming a lawyer in his elderly years.

And to tell Leon Jameson Suseran  that if he had done a more detailed research he would have found that ZFY was the first broadcasting station in British Guiana (not just a transmitting set). By the way Editor, what did ZFY stand for?
Yours faithfully,
W.P. George