Brutal double murder in Stony Hill

Cops theorise that George ‘Lloyd’ Smillie, 43, and his son Winston, 17, were gunned down in a possible reprisal for the stabbing death of a youth in the community two months ago.

“Gunmen, at about 6:30 am, invaded the home where they shot and killed the two men,” said Deputy Superintendent Altermoth ‘Parro’ Campbell of the St Andrew North police.

Residents who told the Observer of the horrific incident said the killers set the house ablaze with more than five family members, including children, inside.

“The man them, it look like, come to wipe out everybody in the family,” said a spokesman for a group of residents gathered at the scene of the crime.

“The man them, about five of them, surround the house and set it ablaze and then opened fire on the family members who tried to escape,” said the spokesman, who described the attack as the worst to have taken place in the quiet community in recent times.