Berlusconi attacker apologises for “cowardly” act

ROME, (Reuters) – An Italian man who broke Silvio  Berlusconi’s nose and teeth by striking him with a spiked  souvenir has apologised to the prime minister for his “cowardly  and rash act”, the attacker’s lawyers said.

The 73-year-old billionaire businessman is still in hospital  two days after the attack in Milan, but will be discharged today with orders to rest for two weeks, his doctor said. Allies say the normally irrepressible prime minister is  badly shaken and at one point asked a visiting priest: “Why do  they hate me to this point?”. But Berlusconi put on a brave face  in his first public message to Italians since entering hospital.

“I repeat to everyone to stay calm and confident,”  Berlusconi said in a message to supporters on his website. “Love always wins over jealousy and hatred.”

Allies have blamed a “climate of hatred” in Italy for the  attack and analysts say vivid images of a bloodied and bruised  Berlusconi will boost his political fortunes, just as his  popularity began slipping over legal woes and sex scandals. As Italians spent a second day immersed in soul-searching  over whether vitriolic politics prompted the assault, lawyers  for Massimo Tartaglia said the 42-year-old attacker acted alone  and without any political or militant motive.