Western powers tried to bully Ahmadinejad

Dear Editor,

Situations change, and when they do people are forced to change accordingly. Well, the Western powers must understand that the world situation has changed and as such they can’t bully all the other countries all the time as they used to do.

Australia, USA, France, Italy, Germany, etc, tried to bully Ahmadinejad the Iranian President, to prevent him telling the UN conference on racism about Israeli racism against the people of Palestine; it has not worked.

Just imagine Clinton telling Hamas, the elected government of Gaza, to toe the line and not telling Israel to stop its crimes against the Palestinians.

Then just look at the countries which are opposed to Ahmadinejad and Iran: Australia which committed every crime against the Aborigines; the USA which committed every crime against Native Americans, the Vietnamese, the Iraqis and the Afghans; and Germany which claimed to be the master race. The countries that exercised the worse form of racism have the gall to tell Ahmadinejad how to think.

For decades Fidel stood alone to repel the bullyism; now there is Chávez, Ahmadinejad, Morales, Ortega and others; together they form an immovable band.

Yours faithfully,
WP George