Part-time technical institute lecturers vow to stay on strike

Speaking to Stabroek News yesterday spokesperson for the striking workers Delphine Bakker said that they had a meeting with Chairman of the institute’s board Norman McLean, but were not satisfied with what they were told so they took a unanimous decision to continue while calling for a meeting with the minister.

The part-time lecturers and technicians downed tools last week Monday as they lamented that the hourly rate they are paid has not been increased since 2000 even though there have been repeated appeals to the board for an increase.

According to Bakker, McLean told them yesterday morning that he met the minister who indicated that they should return to duty and that he “would get back to us by the end of February.”  However, there was no guarantee on any increase and it is not clear what the minister would tell them at the end of the month. As a result they decided to continue to withhold their services as they appeal for Baksh to meet them.

Bakker revealed that the technicians are paid $175 an hour while non-graduate part-time lecturers are paid $500 an hour and graduate lecturers $800 an hour. They are asking for a 100% increase and the two lecturers with masters degrees are for $2,000 an hour.

Bakker pointed out that they are not asking for too much pointing out that for almost ten years they have been working for the same money year in year out while teachers and other workers have had increases. She noted that the cost of living has been going up and it is unfair to ask them to continue to work for the meagre sums.

Some of the lecturers put in as much as 46 hours a week at the institute and it is believed that they make up 65% of the teaching staff and as such the strike has had a great impact on the institute.

Bakker said she has been at the institute for some 15 years and others have been there before her adding that while they are committed to the institute and the students they also have to look out for themselves.

Contacted yesterday Principal of the institute, Patrick Chinedu, said he could not comment on the strike issue.