The investigation of Ms Boladass’s death is a disgrace to the Guyana Police Force

It is known that I am a friend and defender of the Police, but at the same time it is known that I, Roshan Khan will call a spade a spade.

With all respects to the Crime Chief, I believe there have been serious sloppy police procedures in the investigation of Indramattie Boladass.   It appears as if the aim is to end the matter once and for all.  There are many questions.

1.  Did the experienced investigators visit the scene?

2.  Do they know that it is almost impossible for a small framed woman to fall and hit herself and break four ribs, unless heavily pushed down?

3.  The second fall.  Is she a fall down lady, that on the said day she goes down to take a bath and faints, falling and breaking her hip?

4.  Does the investigator(s) know that we have a built in mechanism that when we faint and fall, we will fall in a manner so as to cause little or no injuries?  A thin bone lady cannot fall and break her hip.  A hip consists of hardened bone, made to take enormous trauma, and to take one through life.  For her hip to break she had to have been kicked from the back.

5.  So her heart failed, what is wrong with the investigators? With the four ribs broken, having been beaten and her hip bone broken, while in constant pain, which was medically discovered only the day she was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital, when she died, having been moved and pushed around, lying in Mahaicony Hospital for nearly two weeks, will the pain and trauma not make her heart weak to stop beating or suffer an attack.

6.  The terror of the killer’s visits to her, knowing of what he can do, and the terror of the warnings not to tell anyone, or else??????

7.  Why are the investigators waiting for volunteer witnesses? There are techniques in Police interviews and interrogations which could bring forth witnesses.  The young lady who changed her story that her aunt fell, should have been properly placed and interrogated possibly by a female investigator trained in dealing with children, using the guilt technique, asking the questions to bring out her humanity.

8.  Did the police go around and ask people what they saw and heard?

9.  What about the daughter that went to the hospital with the husband/father when they realized that the woman could not eat or drink, several days after, left in a corner to nibble on dried biscuits.

10. Why are hands swollen black and blue, as if lashed with a pipe or stave?

11. Why the large swelling and black and blue marks on her breast?  We have the photographs.

12. I usually frown on people who say they belong to this or that political alliance, and who will usually make the parties they call as protectors, look bad.  It is said they would constantly say that they belong to a certain party, and they get protection (the husband and his brothers).  Of course no political entity will permit or encourage any such wicked deeds, but low level workers and opportunists could try to help a friend or family here or there.

This case need to be reopened quickly, and placed under a true sleuth of an investigator, one who is non-alcoholic, and not usually hungry.  It is sad some police will sell a case for a few drinks and pervert the course of justice, and this is done worldwide sadly.  How low and cheap they could get?  Yes when they are caught, the Commissioner usually deals properly with them.  They are disgraces to the Police Force.

In the name of God and justice, the family of the victim cry out, the people of this country and the monitors from overseas cry out, the women of Guyana cry out, the women of the world cry out; justice cries out for justice.

Conduct a professional and proper investigation.  This investigation is a disgrace to the Guyana Police Force.

Yours faithfully,
Roshan Khan