Holding this event on Phagwah day will hamper village celebrations

Dear Editor,
The Dharmic Sabha’s huge celebration at the Albion Sports Complex on Phagwah day was welcomed by many as a step in the right direction. However, the concern of mandir leaders is that should this event continue to be held on Phagwah Day it would kill village and local area celebrations. It is a well-known fact that on the afternoon of Phagwah day, chowtal goals and Hindus in general would go around the villages, visiting house to house and embracing all households in the celebration. Since the Albion Sports Complex event clashes with this tradition, it is suggested that that event be held either on the day after Phagwah or the weekend closest to Phagwah, whichever is more convenient. I am therefore appealing to Dharmic Sabha leaders to seriously consider this issue so that the Albion Sports Complex celebration would add to rather than replace the rich traditions of Phagwah celebration.

Yours faithfully,
Annan Boodram
The Caribbean Voice