The gov’t should disclose the terms of the power purchase agreement for the Amaila hydro project

Dear Editor,

Assuming the building of the access roads and other infrastructure to facilitate the development of the Amaila Falls Hydropower project is proof positive that the required funding was secured, the people of Guyana truly welcome any project that promises to alleviate their daily suffering with unreliable power. It is sincerely hoped that funding has been secured and that this expenditure by the government is not a mere act of good faith to encourage financial backers because using taxpayers’ money for bait is poor financial acumen. Overall, Guyanese hope this project will result in reliable and affordable power. At the end of the day, US500 to US600 million is a lot of money to invest in power generation and it should deliver quality results. This project can only benefit the Guyanese people if the price is right. As such, the Guyana government is obligated to disclose the power purchase agreement it has struck or is considering with the developers so that the people can determine if the price is right and to understand the ramifications for the country. After the GT&T fiasco, the people of Guyana must know whether their government is making carefully considered decisions. It is time the government sheds some light regarding the terms, conditions, nature and duration of this agreement. Power generation and energy particularly alternative energy is the next major technological revolution ready to bloom and it would be highly detrimental to have an agreement in place that prohibits the nation from benefiting from these changes.

Yours faithfully,
Michael Maxwell