The police force is in urgent need of reform

Dear Editor,

The brutal slaying of Kelvin Fraser highlights the fact that the police force needs urgent reform. How many times must this statement be made about the police and how many more sad stories do we have to endure before this nonsense comes to a halt? There have been countless reports and studies done on this subject with no substantial proof of a change forthcoming, and this worries me greatly. A close scrutiny of the police will find a litany of woes too numerous to mention, and this did not start yesterday; it was there all along. The situation has reached crisis proportions I would agree, but there has been no overnight change in behaviour as some writers seem to suggest; the police have been corrupt for too long.  Reform must start now and should run the whole gamut of what constitutes good and proper law enforcement, beginning from the quality of individuals chosen at recruitment programmes to their professional training. For too long the police have been adding persons of questionable character to the force, or those who are only trained to shoot and nothing else. This has to stop.
Talk about anger management and a lack of self control from those who swore to protect and serve; well this was evident in the latest shooting death of that youngster. When the implementation of the promised reform will take place only heaven knows.

Yours faithfully,
Neil Adams