Foreigners influencing Canada politics – spy chief

OTTAWA, (Reuters) – In startling comments that  appeared to surprise the government, Canada’s spy agency says  it suspects that cabinet ministers in two Canadian provinces  are under the control of foreign nations.

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) also said   some countries, including China and countries in the Middle  East, were playing a long-term strategy that involves trying to  recruit people in Canadian universities.

The unprecedented remarks by CSIS Director Richard Fadden  were broadcast late on Tuesday, a day before Chinese Premier Hu  Jintao was due to arrive in Canada on a formal visit.

CSIS regularly complains about foreign espionage but this  was the first time the agency has openly alleged that domestic  politicians have come under the sway of outsiders.

“There are several municipal politicians in British  Columbia, and in at least two provinces there are ministers of  the Crown who we think are under at least the general influence  of a foreign government,” Fadden said in a recent speech that  was filmed by the Canadian Broadcasting Corp.

Pressed by the CBC as to what he meant, Fadden said the  individuals in question — whom he did not identify — had no  idea they were being used.

“They haven’t really hidden their association but what  surprised us is that it’s been so extensive over the years and  we’re now seeing, in a couple of cases, indications that they  are in fact shifting their public policies as a reflection of  that involvement in that particular country,” he said.

Fadden, speaking generally, said some nations took a “very,  very long range view of their efforts to influence Canada” and  used people from their own diaspora. Canada is one of the few  western countries still encouraging major immigration.

Asked whether he was speaking about China, Fadden referred  to recent media stories about Chinese spying in Canada.

“I wouldn’t say that those stories were entirely incorrect  and the country you mentioned is, I believe, mentioned in those  stories,” he said.

The office of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, which is  trying to boost its ties with China, said it did not know what  Fadden was talking about.

“We have no knowledge of these matters. CSIS directs its  own operations,” said chief Harper spokesman Dimitri Soudas.