Oscar Clarke posed a vital question

Dear Editor,

I attended the statutory meeting at City Hall on June 28, and as a former Councillor and  community leader, I was saddened by the display shown by Councillors Jordan, Garrett, Chase-Green and John.

It is clear that they do not understand the present political situation in Guyana, nor the need to support one of the few men left standing up to fight a government bent on total control, and so preserve our dignity and respect.

Councillor Oscar Clarke, General Secretary of the People’s National Congress was brilliant, incisive and saved the day by painting a graphic picture of the situation when he posed the vital question: If you move the Mayor, why do those who moved a motion of no confidence in him, believe that there would be a great difference? He recalled the efforts made by the Mayor, beginning with the lotto to raise money for the city. If Councillor Jordan and others cannot recognize where the threat lies, then they ought not to sit on the council.

I note that no PPP Councillor sought to make a contribution to the motion.

Yours faithfully,
Winston Bentham