How can the AFC win?

Dear Editor,

Your front page caption of July 26, ‘AFC says no to alliance with PNCR’ attracted me to read the inside story, which explained that it was a party decision not to have alliances with either the ruling PPP/C or the PNCR as political organizations in their exploration to form a new opposition for the 2011 elections. However, it has left me wondering how serious they are about winning as an opposition group, when they ignore the PNC which holds such a large percentage of the voting bloc.

To exclude personalities from either the PPP or PNC because of the baggage they might bring suggests that a lot of politicians would be forced to ‘travel’ empty handed. And are they saying that there is no one in the wilderness who might fit the criteria for the presidential candidate? It is this indecision that fuels disunity and eventually failure to achieve the main objective.

I feel that the PPP now has the centre game, to use a chess analogy, and will get a pawn push to the final square for a Queen-pawn promotion. According to a dear friend of mine, the opposition with such a divided approach will continue to be like Moses’ troubled people wandering for over forty years. I tried to reassure him that the days then were sunset to sunrise, so we are talking of 20 years or four more terms.

Yours faithfully,
(Name and address provided)