Are there examples from other industries where employees were injured using company transportation and it was not deemed an industrial accident?

Dear Editor,

In your July 31 edition there was a letter written by Mohamed Akeel captioned ‘BCGI took positive action to assist Kwakwani trail crash victims, it was not an industrial accident.’

On a daily basis company employees from Kwakwani and Aroaima travel to and from work on this company maintained road in company contracted minibuses to do company work. It was highly commendable of the company to do all that they did in terms of transportation, medical assistance, accommodation, financial assistance and meeting funeral expenses, etc.

Since this accident which involved employees on their way to work in company provided transportation was not an industrial accident, then NIS should have no part to play in employees’ injury and survivors benefits.

As a former Chief Labour Officer, it would make interesting reading for Mr Akeel to provide similar examples from other Guyanese industries where employees going or coming from work in company provided transportation were injured or died and the accident was not deemed industrial.

Yours faithfully,
(Name and address provided)