We should dissent in order to sustain democracy

Dear Editor,

To dissent is a God-given and democratic right which is innate in all human beings who should be intelligent enough to know when to exercise it.  Throughout history there have been advantages and setbacks in applying this disagreement process; people became famous for making a stand against certain issues which led to reforms and general improvement universally, although some dissenters ended up being disgraced, insulted, beaten, persecuted, imprisoned or executed.

It is argued that right and wrong are relative depending on a people’s cultural background which encompasses their religious moral and ethical values, but there needs to be a consensus on critical issues affecting the welfare of the majority. As such we need to abandon our selfish agendas as well as our religious, racial and political affiliations, and try to help solve our existing problems. Let us try to avoid violent protest causing destruction and possible injury.

There are numerous complaints about the situation in our country, but there seems to be no concerted action to resolve these difficulties. Our high-road accidents are due to many reasons. For example, few people in a minibus object to loud, vulgar music, over-loading, speeding, or driving through the red light. As a result those who object are abused by the driver, conductor and even some commuters.

Let us dissent to sustain democracy, and maintain law and order to maintain a civilized society.

Yours faithfully,
Malcolm Clarke