Animal-drawn carts and drivers should meet ‘fitness’ standards

Dear Editor,
A scene too common on our roads today is that of abused, injured, overloaded or over-worked animals of animal-drawn vehicles, some of which are driven by children who are not mature enough to operate such vehicles. Many times I have witnessed careless road use by the operators of such animal-drawn carts, in the presence of traffic officers who turn a blind eye.

Overloaded or injured animals often react irrationally when abused, and could never be said to be ‘fit’ for road use, and moreso should not be controlled by children.

In the interest of road safety certain safeguards are implemented regarding the ‘fitness’ of motor vehicles, and the age of drivers before they can legally operate a motor vehicle on the public roads. As such, it is time that the same safeguards are enforced regarding the ‘fitness’ of animal-drawn carts, so as to ensure proper road safety.
Yours faithfully,
(Name and address provided)