
We regret that the last two lines of the ‘Ian on Sunday’ column on page 7, and the final paragraph of our editorial on page 6 were omitted in yesterday’s print edition. For the benefit of readers we reproduce the final paragraph of each piece below:
Ian on Sunday

‘Never may you have them all’ by Dr Ian McDonald
“I could go on putting these poems down, overflowing on to other pages, crowding out the horrors of Afghanistan and the Congo, the latest absurdities in international banking circles, the revolting stories of women and children abused, the mayhem on the roads, the slow and suspicious circling around each other of the politicians as elections loom. But I do not think my editor would indulge me. I have no illusion that for every reader who takes the time to read these poems and perhaps finds some delight or revelation in them, there will be a score or a hundred who, seeing the stanza form on the page, will almost instinctively turn elsewhere. Poetry is a passion I am glad I acquired young but it is not a passion that many share.”

“And as for the PPP, this latest escapade on the part of the Minister will undoubtedly wash over them too. At the time of the bar brawl, the Central Executive apparently spoke to Mr Lall, which General Secretary Donald Ramotar told the media was “seen as a reprimand by the party.” He then went on to say, “We are not a party that would just kill people for the first mistake they make,” and that the PPP had disciplined in the past, but not for one incident; “It has to be over a series.” The party has had absolutely nothing to say so far, so one imagines Mr Lall has not yet achieved a ‘series.’”