How an atheist saved a copy of the Quran

Dear Editor,

Religious bigots, under the guise of right-wing Christianity, are working themselves into a frenzy this month, the anniversary of the attacks of 9/11. Their action of choice in the United States is burning Qurans, an action most Americans find offensive – even atheist Americans.

Pastor David Grisham, a Texas evangelical was about to commit such a sacrilege on the ninth anniversary of the attacks when atheist Jacob Isom, 23, went into action. “I snuck up behind him and took his Quran,” Isom told KFDA-TV. “He said something about burning the Quran. I said, ‘Dude, you have no Quran,’ and ran off.” Isom then handed the sacred text to Dennis Cobbins, an imam at the Islamic Center of Amarillo.

“I believe in freedom for everyone and not to mess with everybody’s beliefs,” the atheist told a newspaper. “I don’t believe in the Quran. I believe you shouldn’t burn it in front of people that do.”

And that’s the real story of how an atheist saved the Quran.

Yours faithfully,
Justin de Freitas